My friends William Toney and Chris Olsen are making a short movie for the Silver Screen Film Festival at Mizzou, so I offered to take some photos of their progress. It was the first time all semester that I had taken serious photos instead of just snapshots of my friends, so I am pretty excited about this opportunity.

That's William...underneath the William sign. I was pretty happy about that, haha

Chris adjusts the key lighting.

Another shot of William under his sign while Derek acts as a stand-in. I prefer the first one, though.

Miles unsuccessfully tries not to laugh as Will proclaims that he "brings home the gouda."

An important part of the filming process.

Spike Lee?

Hahaha...real cool, Will.
They aren't done shooting yet, so I hope to make some more/better photos and maybe make a little essay about it. What do you guys think?