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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Final Project-ish

I'm finally going through my take of the No Coast Rap Battles, and I like what I see!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Multiple Flash = Multiple Headaches

Needed some fill flash on the dude with the hat, need to get rid of the starbursts on the drums, too hot, etc. After shooting for about four hours, we were exhausted...these portraits almost didn't even happen.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fill Flash

(November 11, 2009) Caretaker Tom Kennedy sits on the porch of the Imani Mission Center on Wednesday evening to do some people-watching. According to Kennedy, he knows just about everyone around the mission center, whether they use the facility or not. The center is non-denominational and provides food and shelter for those in need. Its annual dinner is November 21, and more than 600 people attended last year.


Monday, November 9, 2009

Multimedia Awesomeness: Common Ground by Scott Strazzante

I was to find a multimedia piece I either enjoyed or abhorred for my photo class. I chose this piece because the photographer was not lazy in the slightest when putting this together. This story spans over a decade of time, and the juxtaposition of the photos is just beautiful.

To view, go here

Excuses Excuses

Some play time happened in the studio this past weekend, but I didn't take very many frames at all. The box did not like my camera, I had to use a Nikon, I got performance anxiety, and pretty much just sucked it up.

BUT...I did use the beauty dish! I'd like to try it out again another time...I didn't feel like adjusting anything because my nerves were on edge. I just need to face that people are going to be watching me take photos, and I have to learn to deal with it.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Color Correction

(November 4, 2009) Jessa Glick is at Shakespeare’s Pizza in Columbia, Mo., but she isn’t there for the pizza. Glick plays a game of pinball every time she comes the restaurant, even if she isn’t waiting for her food. According to Glick, the Spiderman pinball is just “alright”. She misses the Lord of the Rings machine on which she earned her highest score of 60 million points.