My aunts from Texas and Arizona were in town for the weekend, so it was great to have the whole family together. I think they have a love/hate relationship with my camera though...they urged me to take pictures of everyone together, but if I took a picture of one of them, they would insist upon seeing it, then trying to delete it. Needless to say, I ended up with more portrait photos than I wanted, but I did get some natural expressions.

One of the best parts of the weekend was getting to spend some time with my little cousins, Abby and Emma. This is Emma, being all cute.

My mom is one of the most beautiful people I know.

My cousin Jordan. He has a really amazing story, and he is doing all he can to tell it. He's been sober for a couple of years now, and we are all so proud of him.

Jordan and Nolan...mid-day light...arghh....

Hunter was a sweetie...but he had the dirtiest hands. This is Jordan trying to clean him off a bit.
In other news, I have some appointments to do portraits on the weekends, and I am excited and nervous all at once. I really want to do a good job and escape the typical cheesy senior portraits, but sometimes my lack of confidence gets to me.