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Friday, April 30, 2010

I'd like some BBQ, but hold the meat, please.

I went to a little veggie dog bbq with Doug and his roommates, Kenny and Erica. It was my first grilled "vegetable protein link", and I really enjoyed it! After much discussion about factory farms in my Food and Culture in Film course and reading Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer, I have made some big changes in my diet. I'm not quite a vegetarian, but it's no meat for me unless I know it came from a family farm. Same goes for milk and eggs. It's been tough, but ultimately satisfying (and expensive...geeeeeez).

Buuuuut, you haven't come to my blog for a testimonial. I assume you've come for photos, and here you go!

The aftermath.

1 comment:

Candace said...

that book was so interesting! i'll come clean and admit to reading it after i saw him interviewed on the colbert report. the colbert bump is real.