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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Because You Asked.

I would not post a cat video unless I was asked. I have TASTE, people.

Friday, January 22, 2010

This One Time I Went To Chicago...

...and I totally didn't blog about it.

Didn't color correct this...I wanted to preserve the atmosphere.

This is so creative of me.

These photos were on facebook, but I thought they deserved to be seen minus the terrible image compression. If you're looking at my blog, you probably know this fellow in these photos, Joel Kowsky. Regardless if you know him or not, you should look at his blog, too!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Geometrically Speaking: Zach's Senior Photos

This was my first portrait job of a male, and it also happened to be my first job in the snow. It was one of the most challenging portrait shoots I've done because of the conditions, so I think I am going to close shop for the winter.

I noticed that my choice in backgrounds tended to involve lots of lines and quadrilaterals. I think on some level I was trying to make the photos a little more masculine...I can't exactly just stick a boy next to some graffiti that says "you are beautiful" like I've done with female clients.

So, basically...I hope he likes the results!

Saturday, January 2, 2010


My cat Rupert was really sick while I was home for break, and he didn't get better until the day I left. Poor buttahball.