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Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Never-Ending Cough...

...really needs to stop. I would really like to be in line for Obama right now, but instead I am sitting in my house. I could go to the doctor again, but I'd rather not deal with the student "health" center. I can buy my own Gatorade, thankyouverymuch.

I haven't updated in ages, but here is my environmental portrait and a detail shot. My final subject's name is Carol Brown, and I am really looking forward to working with her. She is a local seamstress, raising two children, and is all about living green.

These were the two I submitted.

I liked her face in this photo, but it is a little overexposed and I liked the overall sense of place in the first one better.

I love detail shots, but I need to cut back on them.

And since it's fall...how about some pretty-ness?!

The first photo looks much better on my flickr...


Fodoz said...

beautiful, taylor. that woman looks like someone you would want to be when you grow up. you would enjoy the semi-small black framed things on the wall. except you would have tons of old cameras from the 70s piled on a shelf----maybe neatly organized on a shelf.

but i LOVE the detail shots....... i think it has to do with your infatuation with mini things. ;)

GINAR said...

the first pretty fall one reminds me of anne of green gables.

Patrick Fallon said...

luv the pumpkins!!