Yesterday, Beth, Rob and I took the afternoon off and ventured to Cosmo Park and Stephens Lake Park. It was a really nice break...even though I should have gone to the Stat review and studied for my French speaking exam.
I had a dream last night in which I woke up at 10:13 a.m...and my speaking quiz was supposed to be at 10:17. Then I actually woke up, jumped out of bed, sleepily stumbled to my alarm clock and saw that it was 8:30. I wish I didn't worry so much.
Also...I've recently discovered that a lot of my Photoshop options are missing. I can't get Bridge to work and it is slow, slow, slow. I need a better version because iPhoto is annoying me.

Swinging. It was kind of hard for me to get a shot that wasn't blurry (this one isn't so clear when enlarged). Action is something I really need to work on.

I think Rob has the mirror image of this. We are so creative and funny.

This is just plain terrifying! Who would want to ride this thing? Not I.

It was my first time at Stephens Lake...and I couldn't get over how blue the water was! Most lakes I've been to were brown...

This is hilarious to me. I really overexposed this shot, and black and white was the only way I could make it look halfway decent. I just love the supa serious face Rob has.

I think we would have stayed here all day if possible.
tags: "statistics, studying"
the last photo is my favorite. but i also love the one of rob pointing his camera at you. the first one. great stuff.
"I had a dream last night in which I woke up at 10:13 a.m...and my speaking quiz was supposed to be at 10:17. Then I actually woke up, jumped out of bed, sleepily stumbled to my alarm clock and saw that it was 8:30. I wish I didn't worry so much."
I have done that soo many times this year, its not even funny.. whats worse is I have woken up for reals in that situation.. meh!
hahhaah taylor... noooo thats my ultraa wide lens :) not the huge one i borrowed from the school.
How was your day!! I wanna see another supa cool blog post!!
The park is blue because they put dye in it. :(
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